I started this in 2007, in a search to find out, as best I could, what happened to the B-17 carrying my great uncle Richard E. Hargrove in their flight from Gander, Newfoundland to Warton, England in 1943. They were lost early in the flight with no trace.
After meeting family of other crew members, and a navigator that was part of the group flying over that night, I pieced together, and analyzed the evidence, which resulted in this story.
One of the nice things about researching a topic like this is that going in, I felt I knew what happened, but after a detailed review of reports, communications, and stories, I have completely changed my view of what I think is the most probable reason they went missing.
From the Contents:
The Crew
The Ferry
Appendix A: Report of Aircraft Accident
Appendix B: Missing Air Crew (MAC) Report
Appendix C: Next of Kin List